Upgrade Management for Internal Improvement, Reform and Innovate for More Vitality
Release Date:2015-02-06 10:31:43

- Yuexiu Group Hosts 2015 Economic Work Conference & Workers Congress and Commends Achievements in Three Years of Transformation and Development

On February 3, Yuexiu Group hosted the 2015 Economic Work Conference & Workers Congress in the fifth floor banquet hall of the IFC Annexe. Deputy General Manager Tang Shouchun presided over the event, and more than 400 people had their attendance, including Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing, the whole leadership of Yuexiu Group, leaders and middle-class managers and deputy managers of all business sections of the Group, principal leaders of all business sections under Yuexiu Financial Holdings, all members of the Workers Congress of the Group and all the staff of the Group Headquarters.

At the beginning, Chen Zhihong, General Manager of Yuexiu Property, Wang Shuhui, Deputy General Manager of Yuexiu Group and General Manager of Yuexiu Financial Holdings, He Baiqing, General Manager of Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Limited, and Lin Deliang, President of Yuexiu Real Estate Investment Trust reported on their work in 2014 and the key points of their work in 2015.

General Manager then delivered on behalf of the management of the Group the General Manager’s Work Report titled Upgrade Management for Internal Improvement, Reform and Innovate for More Vitality. The Report summarized the main achievements of the Group in 2014:

Firstly, “Three Assurances” is realized and the Group has come onto a new stage in terms of business scale. By the end of 2014, the total asset of the Group has exceeded RMB300 billion and reached RMB311 billion; the business revenue has broken the threshold of RMB30 billion and reached RMB31.925 billion for the first time; and the total profit has reached RMB8.001 billion. The Group has hit ahead of schedule the targets of total assets and total profit set in the 12th Five-Year Plan, and the general operating quality is improving steadily.

Secondly, “Three Accelerations” has produced effects in the Group’s transformation and development. The Group has made major breakthroughs in State assets reorganization, resources integration and project resources reclamation; the merger and acquisition of Chong Hing Bank Limited was successfully concluded and domestic branches are set up; and the business mode of the core business sections is further deepened.

Thirdly, “Three Enhancements” was pushed ahead and the system, mechanism and management levels have been optimized and upgraded. The system reform on professional managers is enhanced to create a “Fair and Open” promotion mechanism and direction; overall risk management is further enhanced to ensure effective risk control; and the construction of “Value Creating Headquarters” is promoted to enhance the Headquarters’ support capacity and service level.

With regard to the work in 2015, General Manager put forward the working theme of “Upgrade Management for Internal Improvement, Reform and Innovate for More Vitality” and the working principle of “Three Assurances, Three Breakthroughs and Three Improvements”: First, progress in measured rhythm for “Three Assurances”, i.e., assurance of the achievements of the whole year’s major operating indices, assurance of the fund demand and safety for Group development by improving fund efficiency, and assurance of effective investment demand for core businesses; secondly, stand fast with reform for “Three Breakthroughs”, i.e., new breakthroughs in system and mechanism reform to add new vitality, major breakthroughs in resources integration to create a new development structure, and further breakthroughs in business mode optimization to boost new growth momentum; thirdly, upgrade management for “Three Improvements”, i.e., improvement in operating quality by strengthening effect management, improvement in organization ability by optimizing management system, and improvement in the Headquarters’ support and service capacity by deepening value creating Headquarters construction.

After General Manager’s report, Chairman Zhang Zhaoxing made an important speech. He fully approved the Group’s achievements in 2014, explained the working theme of “Upgrade Management for Internal Improvement, Reform and Innovate for More Vitality” and the working principle of “Three Assurances, Three Breakthroughs and Three Improvements” in 2015, and analyzed the internal and external environments the Group is currently facing with and the development stage it is in now. He emphasized the following requirements:

First, boost confidence and invigorate spirit to ensure the achievement of the business targets for 2015. Apart from major operating indices, the Group has to ensure the achievements of all the investment plans, financing plans and other key arrangements.

Secondly, upgrade management and strengthen internal ability to adapt to the New Normal. In this aspect, the Group should aim at the standard of benchmarking enterprises, isolate problems in a modest and practical way and make efforts in both strategy and tactics. The emphasis this year should fall on cost control. It is the hard nut that the Group must crack.

Thirdly, strengthen efforts on reform and innovation. The internal ability in 2015 should come basically from system and mechanism reform. In the past year, we put into practice the professional manager system. The emphasis this year should be on property rights. The Group should take advantage of the State enterprise reform to promote the sharing of interests in a reasonable way so as to stimulate the staff’s self-motivation and working passion. Units where the conditions are mature should experiment on project co-investment and explore a road to solve the stimulation and restriction problem.

Fourthly, further stress on resources integration and grasp the opportunity on State enterprise reform, merger and reorganization and provincial free trade zone construction. Chance favors only the prepared mind. Those big projects in the past years, e.g., the merger of bank, have fully proved this. Therefore, we must be prepared for more action.

Fifthly, continue to ensure risk management. Risk management remains key work for us this year. On the basis of system construction, institution construction and risk quantification last year, the Group should take practical measures this year to thaw those risks that may arise and further raise risk management level.

Sixthly, strengthen corporate culture and ethic construction. The corporate culture requires further enhancement and innovation. And corporate ethics are also a kind of culture. There must be rules and ethics. Besides, we have to enhance the awareness of law and safeguard the baseline for clean operation.

Towards the end of the conference, the Group commended the best collectives and individuals during the 2012-2014 transformation and development period.

This year is the thirtieth anniversary of Yuexiu Group. Over 30 years of development, the Group has overcome many difficulties, achieved many breakthroughs and lived the corporate spirit of “Surpass for More Excellence”. We should continue to carry forward the corporate spirit and work hard for an even better tomorrow for Yuexiu Group!